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TONIGHT! - How to Start a ‘Bike Bus’! Wed, Nov 16, 5pm-6pm Join SVBC for a virtual presentation by SF Bike Bus founder Peter Belden and learn how these adult-led groups of students biking to school are catalyzing safer routes to school across the country. RSVP here to join
TONIGHT, Meet to Plan for the Week of the Family Bike Safety Day Wed, Nov 16 6pm, right after the Bike Bus presentation when local teams meet. Week of Family Bike Safety Day is tentatively scheduled for Sun, Jan 22, from 9:30am-1:30pm. Help us plan a day of fun and learning on bikes. RSVP here to join the planning call.
Alameda de las Pulgas Corridor Project Workshop #2 is Thurs, Nov 17, 2023, at Carlmont High School, in the Student Union. Presentation and opportunity to vet the current plans for improving safety and traffic circulation through Alameda de las Pulgas / San Carlos Avenue Corridor in the vicinity of Carlmont High School and Tierra Linda Middle School. Community feedback helps get projects funded too, please attend if you can!
Ride your E-bikes! A jaunt through RWC-San Carlos-San Mateo corridor is Sat, Nov 19, 10am-1pm Explore Caltrain stations along the Peninsula and will learn how to safely store your bike using a bike locker. RSVP here:
Opportunity to give Strategic Planning Feedback to San Carlos School District by Nov 30. Survey takes 10-15 minutes, open to everyone, questions on the survey listed below, please mention the importance of encouraging and facilitating safe routes to school & active transportation, helping families coordinate walking/biking ‘buses’ (groups of children led by an adult who travel to school together), and working with SamTrans to coordinate bus schedules to align with school schedule. Survey questions include:
What do you VALUE / APPRECIATE MOST about the San Carlos School District (SCSD)?
How could SCSD DO MORE of what you VALUE MOST over the next five years?
Is there anything you think SCSD should DO BETTER / IMPROVE over the next five years to make our schools the best they can be?
What CHALLENGES do you think SCSD will most need to address over the next five years?
Is there anything else you think we should consider or research as part of the strategic planning process? For example, do you know of any excellent programs or promising practices that inspire you and might be a good fit for our students / schools? If so, please provide examples, websites, links, program names, etc.
If you think about what the future might look like for our SCSD schools, what do you think would define WILD SUCCESS in 5-10 years? What would be different from today?
What are the most important qualities / skills / knowledge that you hope students will acquire during their time in SCSD schools?

Image: Bike Bus in Portland Oregon, led by PE teacher