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Jan 15, 2023 Biking News

1. TODAY! Help promote bike-friendliness of downtown San Carlos Downtown Specific Plan is seeking input through today. Interactive Map closes Sunday, Jan 15

This effort is part of the Downtown Specific Plan, which will build upon what’s best and most beloved about downtown San Carlos, and take a closer look at what needs updating.

2. Register your family for the Sunday, Jan 22 San Carlos Family Bike Fair for all ages (riding skills for K-8, bike maintenance all ages) and/or sign up to volunteer

3. Bring bikes in need of repair to the free BikeMobile Hands-on Repair Clinic at San Carlos Library on Sun, Jan 22 between 1-4pm, first come, first served.

4. Bring bikes (or other household items) that need repair to Fix-It Clinic at RWC PubliC Library Wed, Jan 25, 6:30-8:30pm and learn to fix it for free.

Coaches needed, sign up here

5. Caltrain-taking bicyclists needed - Bring your voice to the Caltrain

Bike/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, openings available

6. Before Fri, Jan 20, Give bike/pedestrian friendliness feedback with this public comment form on the San Carlos Housing Element Draft. For example:

Given parking minimums have been eliminated for new housing within half a mile of a transit stop, unless bike/microtransit is easy to access and park at home securely, street parking will become a major problem. Please make sure new housing that is built has:

  • Secure bike parking, especially space IN apartment where one could hang/park bike(s), even and especially cargobikes and e-bikes.

  • Include Bike tire ramps near the edge of steps that allow pushing bikes/wheels/strollers up them. (Very minor/inexpensive design change that makes a huge difference for promoting accessibility for sustainable, active transportation.)

  • Make sure to implement bike lanes/bike infrastructure around the new housing to be built BEFORE streets become impacted with street-parked cars

The public is also invited to attend the City Council Meeting on January 23, 2023 as they consider the adoption of the Revised Draft Housing Element. Attend in person at 600 Elm Street, or by Zoom using the standard link provided on City Council agendas.”

7. Menlo Park Bicyclist and Safe Routes advocate Lydia Lee wrote an outstanding article for Alta Online on the origin story of LEGO-basd bike safety curriculum “Bikes & Bricks”,called Building Safer Roads, Brick by Brick. Thanks Lydia!

8. Ralston Trail, connecting Ralston to Canada Rd, is scheduled for a 6-month closure starting Feb 1.

  • Please forward John Langbein’s letter to Nicholas Calderon, head of County Parks, Mr. Mueller County Supervisor, and Mr. Callagy, County manager. If more folks contact the county, they will hopefully respond with a remedy. This would be a great time to reiterate the need for a safer Canada/Skyline Corridor, such as this Suggested Canada-92-Skyline Improvements Plan describes

  • From John Langbein:

To: Nicholas Calderon <>Cc: Joel Slavit <>; <>; <>; Sandhya Laddha <>; John Langbein <>Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 11:49:59 AM PSTSubject: Ralston Bike Path


Yesterday, (Jan 9), I noticed, along with the Park's dept closure sign, another sign posted by PG&E announcing that the Ralston Trail will be closed for 6 months, startingFeb 1, 2023. I assume that the Parks dept is aware of PG&E's impending work and the closure.

Needless to say, this path is major connector for bike riders (and pedestrians) trying to cross the RT280 corridor adjacent to RT92. I don't know the history of the construction of the Ralston bike path, but I suspect it was built by Caltrans to fulfill their obligation to the Calif. Streets and Highway Code, #888

The code says that Caltrans needs to provide safe and convenient, non-motorized routes should one of their construction projects break an existing route.

With that being said, it seems that the various government departments who maintain these critical links are also obligated to keep these routes open.

With this link closed, I know of two other routes but neither are safe and/or convenient

1). Bunker Hill --

A) This requires riding on RT 35 between RT 92 the Bunker Hill interchange. Rt 35 has significant traffic as it links RT280 from the north to RT 92/Half Moon Bay. There shoulders on RT 35 are, at best, narrow with motorists traveling at > 60 mph.

B). Bunker Hill is a very steep road (8%) which is certainly not "convenient"

C) The freeway style interchange that takes NB RT280 traffic toward Half-Moon Bay requires crossing high-speed traffic (in excess of 60 mph) --- clearly not a safe option

2). Sheep Camp trail --- this is an off-road route not suitable to many bikes (or their riders). -- Not convenient.

I suspect that there are multiple organizations that need to be coordinated including the Parks depart as maintainers of the trail, Caltrans (probably their right-of-way), PG&E,and perhaps SF Water. I would like to see some solution to this problem so that bike riders are NOT forced to do something that is clearly a significant risk to their life.

Thanks for reading, Happy riding,

Sonia Elkes

Founder, San Carlos Bikes

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