Survey on Crestview Park due today
North Crestview Park will soon be developed, and the City is asking for input. If you have a free moment, please take the on-line survey TODAY to let them know what you’d like to see in the space -- and maybe drop a write-in request for a skating and biking pump track*! Click now -- the deadline is today, Feb. 5, by midnight!
*Given the topography of this park’s location, it’s not the ideal location accessibility-wise for an all-ages/abilities skating and biking facility, but it’s worth taking the survey and reiterating the importance of adding this amenity to at least one of our parks.
Kids LOVED challenging themselves on the one small ramp we had in last week’s obstacle course at the Family Bike Fair—note the long line:

Communities as a whole benefit when youth have places to challenge themselves and build confidence, independence, responsibility and self-reliance. It’s a mental and physical health imperative, and the need is just growing. Pump tracks, with their enormous appeal and infinite variety (see examples) are an excellent, ‘controlled risk’, setting for this to happen. Maybe at North Crestview Park, maybe not, but they should definitely be part of our park system. Please add your voice to the survey!
The Tour de Family Bike Fair was a hit!
The 2024 'Tour de Family' Bike Fair & Fun Ride, sponsored by the Community Foundation of San Carlos and the Parks & Rec Foundation of San Carlos, gathered over 300 bike riders at Central Middle School on January 27. As part of the San Carlos Week of the Family series, the event had a LEGO theme and featured various activities. Attendees participated in hands-on bike repair lessons by Bay Area BikeMobile, learned bike safety skills on a life-size traffic simulation course, and earned tickets for prizes. New additions included an obstacle challenge course, and the event concluded with a family-friendly 1-mile Fun Ride led by the San Mateo County Sheriff bike patrol.
The bike fair received positive feedback from participants who appreciated the volunteers, educational content, and engaging activities. Attendees praised the event's unique combination of free bike care lessons, safety checks, and a fun atmosphere that encouraged kids to ride freely. The LEGO-theme bike safety curriculum, created collaboratively between San Carlos and Palo Alto Safe Routes to School volunteers and city staff, has been made available for wider use. Some participants expressed a desire for the event to expand to neighboring towns, emphasizing its positive impact on promoting bike safety and community engagement.
The Bike Fair ended with a 1-mile, family-friendly community Fun Ride around the neighborhood, led by a San Mateo County Sheriff bike patrol, in which ~sixty riders participated.
Check out the photos from the event, and if you missed it, please make a plan to join us at next year’s Bike Fair! Photos:
